MICHELLE: I am obviously looking forward to They Were 11, as I have never read the continuation that will be included in Denpa’s edition. But I’m also interested in I’m Here, Beside You. Something about that cover is kind of haunting.

KATE: Is this a trick question? The correct answer is ANYTHING BY MOTO HAGIO! I am delighted to see They Were 11 back in print, as it’s one of Hagio’s most tightly plotted and delightfully weird stories.

ASH: Only a trick question if it doesn’t actually come out this week! If it does, They Were 11! is absolutely my pick. And if it doesn’t, it looks like a decent week for other interesting manga to tide me over, like Dogs and Punching Bags or Tokyo Alien Bros.

ANNA: I WANT TO BELIEVE! They Were 11! is totally my pick, but as a backup I also want to celebrate the rerelease of Red River.

SEAN: And yes, of course my pick is They Were 11! as well, though I will admit I’m equally looking forward to The Trials and Tribulations of My Next Life As a Noblewoman.

MJ: I haven’t weighed in here in a while, since I haven’t been keeping up with new manga releases. But I’ve loved They Were 11 in every form it’s been released here so far, and I’m really excited about any additional material being included in Denpa’s edition. If it doesn’t show up on shelves this week, I’ll be waiting for the day it does!