By Takemachi and Tomari. Released in Japan as “Spy Kyoushitsu” by Fujimi Fantasia Bunko. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Nathaniel Hiroshi Thrasher.

I’ve mentioned before that Spy Classroom drops far more short story volumes than most light novel series. This is the third, and there’s a fourth one coming after the next main volume in the series. The short story collections all take their subtitles from James Bond films, and this one is no exception. This one also has a purpose: just as the 2nd SS book had all the Lily stuff that the author had to cut out of the 4th book, this has all the bonding between Lamplight and Avian that had to be removed from the 5th. Which means, yes, it’s one last round for Avian, who have now been dead for five books but keep coming back for more punishment nevertheless. Of course, they’re all alive here, and since we already saw them abusing our heroines in the main series, these are a far more gentle series of short stories… mostly. Towards the end, we finally get to see exactly how Avian died, and it’s just as brutal as you’d expect.

The “honeymoon” part of the book just means that this takes place when Avian are in between missions and freeloading at Lamplight HQ, leading to the following short stories: 1) Pharma uses the three youngest members of Lamplight to catch a pedophile politician, much to Sara’s horror (she is one of the three); 2) Lan tries to avoid getting killed by Annette for calling her a “runt” in the main series, and also tries to catch a member of a gang of ex-spies, with Monica’s help… sort of; 3) Annette is trying to get a stray cat she saw in the alley by the docks to open up to her, and Queneau is there to tell her it’ll never happen as long as Annette is the way she is; 4) Avian continue to try to catch the ex-spies, as well as continuing to try to get one over on Klaus, but are horrified to find Lamplight are better at that than they are; 5) everyone comes together – if only by accident – to take on the leaders of the ex-spies; and 6) Avian gets brutally slaughtered, leading to Book 6 of the main series.

I’ve already said that Sara is my favorite character, but Annette may be the most interesting character, if only as she has the farthest to go in terms of character development. Her story may be the most predictable in this book (also, content alert, there are murdered animals in this part), but it’s also the most needed, as she’s told point blank that she needs to “alter her nature” in order to obtain her goals. Annette experiences loss here for possibly the first time she’s conscious of, and I wonder if it will impact her going forward. Most of these stories are an inverse of the 5th book, which was there to show us why Lamplight were so bad compared to Avian. Here we see, in cases other than pure combat, Lamplight have better teamwork and better planning, mostly as Avian doesn’t work as a team but as a bunch of folks who work together. They almost manage to get past this… before that ending.

Each of the SS collections has been better than the previous, which pleases me. Next time we’re back to the main story, which apparently starts its third arc.