By Ryou Iwanami and TwinBox. Released in Japan as “Zombie Sekai de Ore wa Saikyou dakedo, Kono Ko ni wa Katenai” by MF Bunko J. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Eriko Sugita.

Yes, it’s that time again. The time when Sean picks out a title that he normally would never touch with a ten foot pole and gives it a try to see what the people who don’t read what I read are reading. The author of this series has been active in light novel circles for over a decade, with various small run series, but this is their first license over here, I believe. And it’s a weird combination of ecchi romcom and zombie survival horror. Even the author admits that they didn’t think it would get picked up when they pitched it. So, with that in mind, how is it? Well, it does its job. It knows exactly what a readership who want zombies and a readership who want an ecchi harem title need, and it gives us both of them. There’s innuendo galore, and lots of saucy, sexy situations (with no sex). There’s also grim zombie deaths. And then there’s our hero, who… well, now, that’s the story.

Yuuma, the nebbish high school boy who always seems to star in these sorts of things, is in class one day when suddenly there’s a zombie outbreak. As everyone panics and gets bitten, he’s the only one to get out of the school. Unfortunately, he gets bitten by his zombie family when he goes home. Devastated, he lies by the riverside and awaits zombiefication. Just then, the younger sister of his childhood friend, Haruka, shows up. She isn’t a zombie, but is upset, as you might imagine, with current events. He reveals his own condition, and somehow the conversation ends up with her allowing him to grope her breasts before he dies. Then he turns zombie… but manages to revert, because he really wants to protect Haruka. Now he can switch between zombie and human… and also has a girlfriend? Maybe?

The general rule of thumb is you’re allowed one ridiculous handwave in your book. Obviously, the handwave for this series is that Yuuma can switch back and forth between being human and being a zombie because he’s just that good. Well, OK, the end of the volume hints that it may be more than that, as zombies really want to get at his blood, and his saliva can also cure zombiedom. Which means he has to make out with one of the other girls every few hours. I’ll be honest, this is still not my bag. But the zombie horror and discussion of existential zombie issues is done reasonably well. And, given its genre, the ecchi harem stuff is also done well. There’s four heroines, each a different “type”, lots of discussion of boobs and looking up skirts, etc. It manages to do what that genre should do without getting too skeevy. (It is a little skeevy, but that’s the genre.)

I’m not sure how invested in this series Yen is, given they got the name of the heroine wrong in both the first novel’s blurb and the second novel’s blurb. (Her name is Haruka Hyuuga, but some Naruto fan has sabotaged things, as the website designated her “Haruka Hinata” in the first one and “Hinata Hyuuga” in the second. I gotta say, Haruka is NOTHING like Hinata from Naruto. More of a Sakura type.) Anyway, digression aside, if you like zombies and boobs, this is right up your alley. As for me, back to villainessin’, I guess.

The post I’m the Strongest in This Zombie World, But I Can’t Beat This Girl!, Vol. 1 first appeared on Manga Bookshelf.