Hi, everyone! I’m still trying to work out a posting schedule for The Manga Review. Historically, I’ve published the column on Fridays, but my teaching schedule this semester has made that more challenging. I’m also discovering that fewer sites are publishing regular manga reviews; a lot of that discussion has moved to YouTube, TikTok, and podcasts. As someone who prefers to read about manga, I remain committed to covering websites and blogs. I’m open to exploring other ways to distributing The Manga Review, however, and am considering alternatives (e.g. weekly newsletter). Suggestions welcome!


Good news for Mushishi fans: Kodansha will publish a special collector’s edition this fall. Also on deck is a new edition of Dragon Head, a dark disaster series that’s been out of print for more than a decade. [The Fandom Post]

Brigid Alverson runs down the Circana Bookscan data for January 2025. [ICv2]

Will Junji Ito be inducted into the Eisner Hall of Fame this year? [ICv2]

If you’re a fantasy fan, Kara Dennison has you covered with the low-down on The Brilliant Healer’s New Life in the Shadows, The Beginning After the End, and From Old Country Bumpkin to Master Swordsman. [Otaku USA]

Art lovers, take note: UNIQLO just teamed up with the Louvre to produce a line of Doraemon t-shirts. [Otaku USA]

Kathryn Hemmann reviews Keita Katsushika’s manga Higashi Tōkyō Machi Machiwhich they describe as “a leisurely walking tour of East Tokyo.” [Contemporary Japanese Literature]

And last but not least, please congratulate blogger Tony Yao for fifteen years of insightful, interesting reviews! Here’s hoping for fifteen more. [Drop-In to Manga]


Jackson P. Brown gives high marks to Legs That Won’t Walk, a “compelling, shocking” and “spicy” gangster drama… Erica Friedman reviews a recent issue of Galette… Megan D. checks out the first volume of Yakuza Fiance… and the latest installment of The Reader’s Corner offers succinct reviews of Ako and Bambi, Mujina into the Deep, and Hirayasumi.

New and Noteworthy

Continuing, Complete, and OOP Manga