SEAN: The obvious choice, Pet Shop of Horrors, was not my bag back in the day. So I’ll go for Yona of the Dawn. It’s never a bad time to pick Yona.
MICHELLE: I am definitely excited about Pet Shop of Horrors, but I might actually be more excited about the conclusion to Usotoki Rhetoric. I liked this low-key historical mystery series, and look forward to seeing how it ends.
ASH: Debut-wise, I’m looking forward to giving Pet Shop of Horrors a try and so will make it my official pick. I missed the series the first time around but know many people who remember it fondly.
ANNA: I’m glad that Pet Shop of Horrors is back in print, but I’ll always pick Yona of the Dawn if given a chance!
KATE: I’m excited to see a new edition Pet Shop of Horrors; the young’uns need to know what their elders were reading back in the day!